Ossi Yeto

Angola National housing program- (KORA)


Addressing the housing issue and prioritizing low-income families in a continuous and coordinated manner across all levels of government and the private sector is a challenging task. The goal is to ensure the right to decent housing and access to essential services.


To tackle this challenge, the National Housing Program of Angola aims to expand electricity access and promote the installation of various essential services. This includes efforts to urbanize precarious settlements and improve infrastructure, thereby providing decent housing for all citizens.


Expanding public electricity services is a top priority as it directly impacts health, education, comfort, security, and income generation. The absence of electricity prevents the population from accessing basic social services such as water, sanitation, education, and communication. The electrification efforts are closely tied to the modernization of the urban space and ultimately enhance the quality of life for the urban population.

As part of the National Program of Urbanism and Housing of Angola, the electrification of several centralities has been completed, including Lossambo (Huambo), Cuito (Bié), Quilomosso (Uíge), Sumbe (Cuanza Sul), Caála (Huambo), Luena (Moxico), Ondjiva (Cunene), Bailundo (Huambo), Caxito (Bengo), and Cabinda.



Highlights: The most challenging project of 2021.Tight schedule, complex management of procurement and logistics processes. Ossi Yeto succeed to deliver project ahead of schedule, and 20% cost save.


Highlights: First project which was managed by engineer Pedro Bumba, a local engineer which Ossi Yeto developed during the last two years after he graduated his study.


Highlights: First project which was managed by engineer Pedro Bumba, a local engineer which Ossi Yeto developed during the last two years after he graduated his study.


Highlights: Execution of a project in Cabinda creates some complexities because of the distance (mostly logistical).

U038 – Quibala Farms

-Construction of the 4 (four) following 30 kV OHL: -OHL 1 – Quibala 60/30 kV Substation – Novagrolider Farm -OHL 2 – Derivation from OHL 1 – Santo António Farm


Highlights:Four farms in the area will be receiving electricity through the design and construction of Overhead Power Lines (OHL) and their connection to the future Quibala 60/30 kV Substation.