Electricity For All in the rural areas of Angola.

Providing access to reliable and safe #energy to the villages of Uíge Province, #Angola, is another
significant milestone in the governmental plan to increase electricity access throughout the country.
Currently, Angola’s electrification rate is reflected by 42.8 percent of the population with access to
electricity, while 38 percent is connected to the national electricity grid. 
Due to the local Uige government initiatives to establish power transmission and distribution programs in
the municipalities, these numbers will rise before 2025.
Expanding access to energy in this region will increase prosperity, improve the resilience of local
communities, and create socio-economic growth.
This impact starts here, at the Cornerstone ceremony where Ossi Yeto’s representatives, part of Mitrelli,
took part with Uíge Provincial Government, Central Government representativees, and local traditional
and religious authorities.

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